Outreach Products from the Internship – DataONE Messaging Week 9

The time has come to say goodbye… My experience from this summer has been invaluable. As one of my goals from the summer was to develop marketing materials that I could use as examples in future job applications, I’d say the journey was a success. My four outputs from the Continue reading Outreach Products from the Internship – DataONE Messaging Week 9

Starting a Poster for the AHM – DataONE Messaging Week 8

Next week marks my last as a summer intern, I plan to post my final products in next week’s post. For this week I thought I could reflect on the somewhat unexpected things I was able to take time to learn during this internship. A number of the graphics you Continue reading Starting a Poster for the AHM – DataONE Messaging Week 8

Final Edits on the Two Pager – DataONE Messaging Week 7

Hello All, This week in design was focused on developing metrics and edits. Ed and I worked on wordclouds for the search terms used in DataONE user searches and the most common words in the abstracts held in DataONE’s collection of metadata. It’s nice to see that there is alignment Continue reading Final Edits on the Two Pager – DataONE Messaging Week 7

Design and Edits – DataONE Messaging Week 6

Hello Folks, This week in messaging I’ve been continuing to work on design and develop metrics/visuals specific to each each of DataONE’s audiences (researcher, repository, librarian, funder). Ed Flathers and I had another chance to collaborate and I think you’ll all enjoy the output of our conversations. We took the Continue reading Design and Edits – DataONE Messaging Week 6

Design Time – DataONE Messaging Week 5

Hello Folks, I hope you all had a great Fourth of July week. After some misadventures with my family and a visit to the ER, we are all back in business and running at full speed. I promised some visuals and WordPress is finally going to let me deliver. Below Continue reading Design Time – DataONE Messaging Week 5

Revise Revise Revise – DataONE Messaging Week 4

Hello Mentors and Interns, Another week with only a few highlights. Why? Because writing and revising takes time. I’ve been working with my advisors Amber, Tricia, and Suzie on getting our messaging language ship-shape, and we are now ready to send it off to DataONE at large. The documents are Continue reading Revise Revise Revise – DataONE Messaging Week 4

Writing up audience specific messaging – DataONE Messaging Week 3

Hello DataONE interns and mentors This week in Messaging involved talking to more stakeholders, developing a DataONE messaging platform, and writing up audience specific text on how DataONE can be the solution for all of your science/repository/education/funding needs. I had a chance to talk with fellow intern, Ed Flathers, on Continue reading Writing up audience specific messaging – DataONE Messaging Week 3

What is DataONE and how do we attract our audience? Week 1

Hello Folks, Hope you are all enjoying the start of our internships.  My name is Megan Mach and I’m the intern working on “DataONE Messaging: Creating Marketing for DataONE Stakeholder Communities.” I have never done semi-live journaling, but I’m going to give it a stab in this weekly notebook. This Continue reading What is DataONE and how do we attract our audience? Week 1