Developing coding criteria for accetance of papers in meta-analysis

Over the last week, our group has kept on coding the selected papers for the meta-analysis. As we know, meta-analysis is an iterative process for us to make consensus on coding scheme. Thus, it is critical to set a set of rule for coding. As for me, I have coded Continue reading Developing coding criteria for accetance of papers in meta-analysis

Screencast style guide – Screencast Tutorials, Week #2

Begin with data, where possible While it’s easy to view a video tutorial and agree or disagree with design decisions implemented, as a scientist my goal in prescribing stylistic guidelines is to ensure that each recommendation had an empirical basis. Unfortunately, there aren’t as many data-driven studies out there as Continue reading Screencast style guide – Screencast Tutorials, Week #2

Understanding data quality mechanism – Week 2

After we got 70+ papers by using specific key words (e.g., citizen science, data quality) to search in Scopus last week, so far I coded 19 papers. The code scheme is adapted from 17 data quality assurance and control mechanisms summarized by Wiggins et al (2011). The more papers I Continue reading Understanding data quality mechanism – Week 2

Week 2 – Entity & Property entropy in the earth science knowledge base

This week we mainly focused on the analyzing both the entity entropy and the property entropy within the earth science ontologies knowledge base we construct. In order to index the earth science data for further search, we need to obtain and verify the information entropy within our data. Regarding our Continue reading Week 2 – Entity & Property entropy in the earth science knowledge base

Week 2 – storing user progress

Because a cookie is way too small to store necessary session information for the Annotator, I’ve started implementing sessionStorage and localStorage in order to maintain the application state. Two main areas of the DOM change with user interaction: the table, which is the graphical part that the user actually sees Continue reading Week 2 – storing user progress

Week 1 – build a solid foundation for future work

Last Thursday, 29th May, I got started my job. This summer, I will work with EVA group on project 8: SimilarityExplorer: inspire climate science discovery through advanced big data analysis. SimilarityExplorer is an exploratory visualization tool that help climate scientists explore model relationships from multiple perspectives. I attend the DataONE all hands Continue reading Week 1 – build a solid foundation for future work

Week 1 – Getting up to speed

Last Tuesday, the kickoff meeting for Project 5 was held at RPI.  For this project, our goal will be to extend the OpenDAP framework – a data access framework widely used in earth and space science – with extensions for provenance tracking.  Through developing these extensions, we seek to enable Continue reading Week 1 – Getting up to speed