Need help from someone with amazing coding skills

Hi Interns, As part of my project I’m working on an interactive data policy planning tool. ย I’d like to base it off the Creative Commons Choose a license tool. ย This tool is licensed under a 3.0 license, the most liberal– basically, anyone is free to reuse the tool and its Continue reading Need help from someone with amazing coding skills

A Look at Science Communication

This week I enjoyed a second face-to-face meeting with my mentor at a Chapman Conference on communicating climate science in Granby, Colorado. After a particularly scenic Amtrak ride through the snow-capped mountains, I arrived at the train station and continued with Stacy on to the Snow Mountain Ranch. By the Continue reading A Look at Science Communication

Week 3 – Teaching Old Column Headers New Tricks

Last week, I worked on gathering all the features that we want the new Metadata Environment to have, and identified some useful JavaScript libraries for implementing them. This week, I started outlining in more specific terms how I plan to implement some of these features. When the user imports a Continue reading Week 3 – Teaching Old Column Headers New Tricks

Part of Speech Tagger, ontology generation

This week my main goal was to get a Part of Speech (PoS) tagger up and running. After some searching and testing I decided to use the Natural Language Toolkit ( While it has to be installed (as opposed to running in a jar or python egg) it runs quickly Continue reading Part of Speech Tagger, ontology generation

Week 2 – Storytelling in Style

This week Iโ€™ve been experimenting with writing styles in order to find the right voice for upcoming data stories, so I thought I would provide some insight into the process. In terms of writing, voice is not a one-size-fits-all treatment; each project is a custom job with new considerations. Ideally, Continue reading Week 2 – Storytelling in Style

Analyzing Ontology Matching Systems

Week two revolved around identifying and surveying the algorithms and systems available for matching of the ontologies. The focus was on studying the several systems that have appeared and repeatedly participated (in recent years) in the OAEI campaigns. The Ontology Matching paper (Shvaiko & Euzenat) discusses some of the systems Continue reading Analyzing Ontology Matching Systems