Workflow Construction, DataONE Integration & Web Server Setup

This is another multi-tasking week. First, I continued the the work started last week โ€“ to create workflows that integrate analysis modules with visualization modules. Specifically, I developed a new module called PairWiseComparisonMatrix that is used to extract a matrix to pair-wisely compare different models. The supported statistics include: correlation, Continue reading Workflow Construction, DataONE Integration & Web Server Setup

Improving Existing Modules Based on Scenario Studies

As previously planned, I started to work on the Daymet scenario this week. Previous development mainly focuses on basic modules in the model data comparison package. Most of the functions are pretty general. As we started to build sample workflows for scenarios, more and more detailed needs start to jump Continue reading Improving Existing Modules Based on Scenario Studies

Daymet Scenario and the Need for Parallel Processing

I was sort of multi-tasking this week. First, I continued the development of mosaic module which was not finished last week; second, I started to work on the Daymet scenarios which was identified in the face-to-face meeting at ORNL. The mosaic module is the most challenging one among all the Continue reading Daymet Scenario and the Need for Parallel Processing

Batch process, Regrid and Spatial Subset

This is the second week of my summer intern. I continued the development of model-data comparison package. I improved some modules that were developed last week and also added some new modules. The first improvement is on the unit conversion module. A common situation is that earth scientists may want Continue reading Batch process, Regrid and Spatial Subset

Start the development of model comparison package

This is the first week of my DataONE summer intern. I had a phone meeting with my mentor Bob and Yaxing in Oak Ridge National Lab on Tuesday. They introduced the work that has been done in the past and the goal we want to achieve for this summer. Basically, Continue reading Start the development of model comparison package