Week 2: ProvWG Meeting and Plans for Next Actions on PBase

This week I attended ProvWG meeting at NYU-Poly. This was a two day meeting with the main focus on PBase and D-PPROV [MDB+13], a recent project going on in ProvWG that some of its ideas might be related to PBase project. D-PPROV is an extension to W3C PROV provenance model aimed at representing Continue reading Week 2: ProvWG Meeting and Plans for Next Actions on PBase

Week 5 – Making column headers change colors in preparation for bigger and better things

This week, I focused on taking my context menu and selectable column header functions from my test files and implementing them in the project itself. The latter function took a bit of time for me to wrangle into place, but I managed with some help from one of my lab Continue reading Week 5 – Making column headers change colors in preparation for bigger and better things

SWEET Ontologies and Coverage

This week I finished the coverage analyzer tool and have run tests on over 200 popular ontologies (i.e., the SWEET ontologies)! As this is the main part of the project (the coverage tool) and getting this data is over a week ahead of time, I’m quite pleased. The coverage tool Continue reading SWEET Ontologies and Coverage

Playing with metaphors

This week, I finalized the (tentative) top level categories for understanding/ explaining data policy: Legal policy- compliance with national and local law, compliance with other guidelines, liability User agreement- agreement type, accessibility Privacy policy- for website visitors, for registered users, for aggregate data Terms of use- copyright, attribution I also Continue reading Playing with metaphors

Daymet Scenario and the Need for Parallel Processing

I was sort of multi-tasking this week. First, I continued the development of mosaic module which was not finished last week; second, I started to work on the Daymet scenarios which was identified in the face-to-face meeting at ORNL. The mosaic module is the most challenging one among all the Continue reading Daymet Scenario and the Need for Parallel Processing

Week 4 – Adding new functions!

The last few weeks, I was mostly working with my mentors on enumerating new functions to add to the Metadata Environment and designing how they would fit in. I was also doing a lot of prototyping. This week, I started to really get into working on implementation. One portion of Continue reading Week 4 – Adding new functions!

Ontology Generation and Coverage

This week I finished the code and test cases for the automatic ontology generation I started last week, and began work on the coverage algorithm. The now finished ontology generation comes with a readme, the ability to add individual words, or merge two existing ontologies. In this way, it should Continue reading Ontology Generation and Coverage