Week 7 – Switching gears and switching living spaces….

I know this entry is several days late; many apologies. I have been moving to a new apartment. This week, one of my labmates, Brendan, started working on more implementation things for the Metadata Environment so that I could focus on some academic writing about the project. We hope to Continue reading Week 7 – Switching gears and switching living spaces….

DataONE Network Analysis Project – From E-mail to Notebook

Need to retroactively post some information from last semester prior to starting the open notebook. Might post-date these entries to reflect the time at which each was discussed.   Network analysis project was assigned November 11, 2012. E-mail folder for “Network Analysis” related e-mail contains: 20 e-mail threads 14 threads Continue reading DataONE Network Analysis Project – From E-mail to Notebook

Final Results

So this week I finished the subtopic matching software and after some testing, ran it. Basically my goal was to answer the question, does coverage decrease significantly if you remove “topically” unrelated documents from the corpus? I found that surprisingly yes. While the SWEET ontologies are small, and attempt to Continue reading Final Results

Week 4: More on Cypher and its Comparison with other Graph Query Languages

The main focus of this week was on translating some of the main provenance queries into Cypher format and compare it with its equivalence in Gremlin. The first thing to do was to add some proper indexes to our Neo4j database. Currently, we have only one property for each node Continue reading Week 4: More on Cypher and its Comparison with other Graph Query Languages

Improving Existing Modules Based on Scenario Studies

As previously planned, I started to work on the Daymet scenario this week. Previous development mainly focuses on basic modules in the model data comparison package. Most of the functions are pretty general. As we started to build sample workflows for scenarios, more and more detailed needs start to jump Continue reading Improving Existing Modules Based on Scenario Studies

Week 6 – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DOM

With my column header selection function working from last week, I started implementing some of the functions that will use it. The data environment keeps track at all times now which columns are selected in an array. Some of the functions are toggle functions, for turning on or off certain Continue reading Week 6 – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the DOM