
During this week, we had an intensive discussion about the YesWorkflow Data Model vocabulary. Finally, we came to a conclusion that we should adopt the following predicates between Port, Data and Resource. <Port> yw:sends/yw:receives <Data> <Data> yw:wasReadFrom/yw:wasWrittenTo <Resource> To distinguish prospective and retrospective provenance, we used two different RDF Turtle Continue reading Week-8-Update


The main task for this week is still updating the YesWorkflow Model Vocabulary and Structure, and modifying SPARQL queries for advanced questions. This is our GitHub repository including the Model Specification, RDF Turtle facts, and SPARQL queries: simulate_data_collection example 1. YesWorkflow SPARQL Queries For the SPARQL queries, the combined queries Continue reading Week-7-Update


During the middle week of my intern, I continued working on improving the YesWorkflow Conceptual Model vocabulary and structure. As suggested by my primary mentor, I utilized Markdown format combined with HTML tags to create the model vocabulary documentation table to make it machine-readable. I also created another table for Continue reading Week-5-Update


During this week, I further improved the RDF model for YesWorkflow model facts. Especially, I introduced three self-defined associations (yw:isAssociatedWith, yw:filePath, yw:portType) and one class (yw:Data). These namespaces can help me to distinguish input ports, output ports and parameters, and to connect data with URI templates to corresponding ports. To Continue reading Week-4-Update


This is the third week of my internship. I felt much comfortable to work with the professors and my co-partner. We basically made progress in schedule. For this week, given the elementary model structure in RDF/Turtle file for simulate_data_collection example of YesWorkflow, I further improved the RDF/Turtle data model by Continue reading Week-3-Update