
During this week, I further improved the RDF model for YesWorkflow model facts. Especially, I introduced three self-defined associations (yw:isAssociatedWith, yw:filePath, yw:portType) and one class (yw:Data). These namespaces can help me to distinguish input ports, output ports and parameters, and to connect data with URI templates to corresponding ports. To better understand the yw namespace for general users, Linh and I also created a detailed namespace documentation for YW RDF model. Besides, to map from ProvONE to YesWorkflow namespaces, we created another documentation for the relationship between them.

After finishing updating the YW RDF model facts and SPARQL queries, I set about creating YW recon data models. Based on the Prolog facts of resources and URI variables together with relevant recon queries, I produced a basic structure for the recon RDF facts with some self-defined yw namespace. Then, good test results based on the recon RDF facts confirmed my data model. So I created the YW RDF recon model documentation, including yw:Resource, yw:hasURIVariable, yw:instantiates, yw:URIVariable, yw:variableName, and yw:variableValue. In this way, the YW model facts and recon facts can be connected together with shared namespaces and associations. We also tried some SPARQL queries that refer to the two RDF Turtle files.

In the following week, I am going to complete the existing extract, model and recon SPARQL queries, and think about more complex SPARQL queries as well. In addition, the ARQ extension issue still needs further exploration.


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