
This is the third week of my internship. I felt much comfortable to work with the professors and my co-partner. We basically made progress in schedule.

For this week, given the elementary model structure in RDF/Turtle file for simulate_data_collection example of YesWorkflow, I further improved the RDF/Turtle data model by adding class Entity based on PROV standard namespace, and replenishing some class properties to deal with @uri, @as and @param issues. In this way, ports from different programs with the same official label name can correspond to one entity, which can convey the information about the ports’ official label, comment, and URI-template. If a port is also a parameter, another association triple will be added to document this scenario. Then, I updated the whole Turtle file manually based on the new model. Besides, I documented the newly updated triple statements in RDF/Turtle file for better understanding by others.

In addition, I read two articles about recursive query (CONSTRACT GRAPH UNION & Property Path) in SPARQL. Then I practiced using property path method based on family example in Datalog, and then successfully implemented property path in SPARQL for YesWorkflow simulate_data_collection example. However, for ARQ command, there is an extension package for running more complex queries. I still did not figure out how to use it.

For the following week, I will try to find how to use the Jena-ARQ extension Syntax.syntaxARQ for advanced property path queries. Furthermore, I am going to find what other kinds of queries can be executed in SPARQL, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of SPARQL when implementing yw examples.

Hui Lyu

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