Batch process, Regrid and Spatial Subset

This is the second week of my summer intern. I continued the development of model-data comparison package. I improved some modules that were developed last week and also added some new modules. The first improvement is on the unit conversion module. A common situation is that earth scientists may want Continue reading Batch process, Regrid and Spatial Subset

Week 2 –

This week I started writing, beginning with a description of the Data Environment project overall, why it is important, and what I hope it will enable. With this high-level overview in mind, I refined my descriptions of the desired functionalities for the Data Environment. I also started a second document Continue reading Week 2 –

Data policy classification

I know this probably won’t fascinate anyone except me, but I spent most of week 2 developing a classification schema for understanding citizen science data policy. ย Developing a classification scheme was necessary because it’s important to have a *real* metric to use when evaluating different policies, instead of comparing one Continue reading Data policy classification

Walter E. Dean Environmental Information Management Institute

I elected to participate in the 2013 Walter E. Dean Environmental Management Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As the namesake suggests, the Institute is made possible by Walter E. Dean’s generous financial support. He is a retired geophysicist who got his start with environmental information working with FORTRAN programming language Continue reading Walter E. Dean Environmental Information Management Institute

Week 1 – Project Overview and Related Work

The goal of the Next Generation Data Environment is to provide a browser-based graphical interface for conversion of CSV files into RDF linked data format. Users will be able to define a schema for their conversion by dragging and dropping classes and properties from OWL ontologies directly onto a CSV Continue reading Week 1 – Project Overview and Related Work

Start the development of model comparison package

This is the first week of my DataONE summer intern. I had a phone meeting with my mentor Bob and Yaxing in Oak Ridge National Lab on Tuesday. They introduced the work that has been done in the past and the goal we want to achieve for this summer. Basically, Continue reading Start the development of model comparison package

Identifying and Evaluating Ontology fragments for Mapping

This week, being the first, the focus was on identifying different ontologies related to Earth & Environmental Sciences. The emphasis of my internship is on evaluating and consequently implementing various algorithms present which can effectively map ontologies related to the said domain. The initial step in this direction is to Continue reading Identifying and Evaluating Ontology fragments for Mapping