Discipline Classification Survey Instrument & Informed Consent

Hi Dr. Allard, Here is an attempt at a survey instrument for discipline classification, two sections and 8 questions total. Section I includes questions about role and work environment. Questions 1 and 2 derived from Arsev’s PhD dissertation (8 primary subject disciplines; 11 work settings). Question 3, current job titles, Continue reading Discipline Classification Survey Instrument & Informed Consent

Workflow Construction, DataONE Integration & Web Server Setup

This is another multi-tasking week. First, I continued the the work started last week – to create workflows that integrate analysis modules with visualization modules. Specifically, I developed a new module called PairWiseComparisonMatrix that is used to extract a matrix to pair-wisely compare different models. The supported statistics include: correlation, Continue reading Workflow Construction, DataONE Integration & Web Server Setup

E-Mail to Open Notebook – “Re-blog” not an option; “Press This” Bookmarklet is.

I’ve asked, but no reply so far on adding the post via e-mail plug-in to the notebooks.dataone.org wordpress installation. I may need to add some details about how it might be done, to make the case. That means two options are available to me at the moment: 1) explore “re-blogging” Continue reading E-Mail to Open Notebook – “Re-blog” not an option; “Press This” Bookmarklet is.

Test 4: Network Visualization with NESCENT GeoPhyloBuilder | TannerJessel.info

Hi Chad, FYI because it’s cool, and also because I want to note it for future possible use on the network visualization project. https://www.nescent.org/wg_EvoViz/Main_Page https://www.nescent.org/wg_EvoViz/GeoPhyloBuilder -Tanner via Test 4: Network Visualization with NESCENT GeoPhyloBuilder | TannerJessel.info.

E-mail to Open Notebook – Exploring WordPress Capabilities

For the 2013 version from WordPress, I found post via e-mail by looking under: Tools http://mountainsol.wordpress.com/wp-admin/tools.php Visited “my blogs” my secret blog address @post.wordpress.com http://mountainsol.wordpress.com/wp-admin/index.php?page=my-blogs Gives the option to re-generate or delete – good feature in case the account is compromised So now, I’ll attempt to e-mail a message with Continue reading E-mail to Open Notebook – Exploring WordPress Capabilities