Week 9 – RDFa and the trouble with triples

The first half of this week was really intense, getting our work ready to demonstrate on video for the ISWC conference submission! My labmate Brendan worked hard on the presentation layer, while I spent most of my time on the functional half. In order to perform a conversion utilizing the Continue reading Week 9 – RDFa and the trouble with triples

Open Notebook Science – is it a blog or not?

Yesterday evening I received correspondence from Dr. Amber Budden, Director for Community Engagement and Outreach. She inquired if I had accidentally posted my most recent open notebook log entitled “DataONE Sharepoint โ€“ E-Mailing Attachments to Sharepoint.” I see this as an understandable inquiry because this entry was “Pressed” from my Continue reading Open Notebook Science – is it a blog or not?

Week 6: Extending the PBase Repository by Importing More Traces into It and Defining More Properties for Each Node

After looking through the final list of queries that have to be implemented in PBase project, I realized that some of them are based on nodes (actors and data entities) properties (e.g. type, version, …) and also, some of the queries refer to multiple runs of a workflow. After a Continue reading Week 6: Extending the PBase Repository by Importing More Traces into It and Defining More Properties for Each Node

DataONE Sharepoint โ€“ E-Mailing Attachments to Sharepoint

From: Jessel, Tanner Monroe Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 4:26 PM To: Davis, Miriam Subject: DataONE Sharepoint โ€“ E-Mailing Attachments to Sharepoint Hi Dr. Davis, I am interested in archiving attachments sent to me via e-mail into the DataONE SharePoint site. I did some research and was able to enable Continue reading DataONE Sharepoint โ€“ E-Mailing Attachments to Sharepoint

Open Notebook Science – E-mailing Attachments to Sharepoint

Interested in possibility of forwarding e-mail to both open notebook and sharepoint site. This would streamline the process of archiving documents on the UT Sharepoint site. Looking at: DataONE > UT DataONE > Documents > Network Analysis > All Documents Google Search: Sharepoint AND e-mail AND upload Found this: http://sharepoint.stackexchange.com/questions/13589/how-to-upload-documents-by-sending-an-email Continue reading Open Notebook Science – E-mailing Attachments to Sharepoint

Open Notebook Science – “Revision History” & Disappearing Posts

I have apparently lost a notebook entry to the ether. Incredibly frustrating as I have no idea how this happened, but I believe it may have resulted from the “pop-up” wordpress publisher. Was I distracted and made an error, or was this a technology failure? Also frustrating is this was Continue reading Open Notebook Science – “Revision History” & Disappearing Posts

Houston, We Have… Interviews?

While we are currently focused on integrating data stories into the education modules, gathering interview material is still an important part of expanding our project. Over the past week I have been fortunate to connect with some potential interviewees and even conduct an interview. Last week the International Space Station Continue reading Houston, We Have… Interviews?

Don’t Touch That – It’s Under Revision!

Every good researcher knows what a vital role data sharing plays in the data life cycle. So in a perfect world, the decision to share data would be an easy one to make. By effortlessly passing data on to someone else, you would receive all the spectacular rewards data sharing Continue reading Don’t Touch That – It’s Under Revision!