DataONE / DataUP Tool User Experience Study

Note: the following is posted in the DataONE Data Science Open Notebook as part of an ongoing research effort concerning “Open Notebook Science.” Hi Rachel, Just wanted to confirm with you I’m planning on meeting with you in Hoskins after my class ends Friday morning. I have spent a bit of time Continue reading DataONE / DataUP Tool User Experience Study

Week 9: Finializing the Structure of PBase Repository and Documenting the Project’s Results

This week I was mostly working on the convertor (from PROV-XML to Cypher scripts) code to make some changes in the way the traces are stored in PBase repository. Here is a quick look at the current structure of PBase repository: The blue boxes show the properties of each node. Continue reading Week 9: Finializing the Structure of PBase Repository and Documenting the Project’s Results

Discipline Classification Survey Instrument & Informed Consent Revisions

From my July 22 meeting with Dr. Allard, some revisions to the survey instrument are warranted. The relevant files I am working with are these: DataONE_Discipline_Survey-Informed-Consent.docx DataONE_Discipline_Survey-Instrument.docx The previous notebook entry referencing these materials is online: As these are works in progress, the documents are archived online on the Continue reading Discipline Classification Survey Instrument & Informed Consent Revisions

Week 7: Improving the Structure of PBase Repository (Continuation from Last Week)

This week I was mostly working on applying the changes that I discussed in my last week blog entry on PBase repository. Now we can convert the traces of multiple runs of a number of workflows from PROV-XML format to a series of Cypher creation commands (as well as Geoff Continue reading Week 7: Improving the Structure of PBase Repository (Continuation from Last Week)

Open Notebook Science – Tagging Posts Concerning Correspondence

I have settled on some “boilerplate” for tagging posts originally generated via e-mail. I have employed it on a few posts so far. Below is the text I have settled on: Note: the following is posted in the DataONE Data Science Open Notebook as part of an ongoing research effort Continue reading Open Notebook Science – Tagging Posts Concerning Correspondence

Archived Documents: Archiving Two .XLS Documents in Sharepoint

Note: the following is posted in the DataONE Data Science Open Notebook as part of an ongoing research effort concerning “Open Notebook Science.” From: Dave Vieglais [redacted] Sent: Monday, November 19, 2012 11:46 AM To: Jessel, Tanner Monroe Cc: Dave Vieglais; Mitchell, Chad Matthew Subject: Re: Request for File – Continue reading Archived Documents: Archiving Two .XLS Documents in Sharepoint