Week 9: Best practices and reflection

In the final week of our internship we’ll make separate blog posts and use our posts to both provide updates about our project and also reflect on the experience of our two month DataONE internship.

In the final week of our project, we made additions and edits to the data citation best practices document with the help of our project mentors. We made edits to the document structure to better align with the typical structure of a DataONE document. We also worked on developing a conclusion for the best practice documents. In the conclusion, we highlighted the benefits of clear data source citation. We propose that clear data citation results in a win-win situation for both the researchers that produced the original data and the readers that seek to locate that data sources. In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to refine the data citation best practices and they will soon be published on the DataONE best practices website.

In reflecting on the internship with DataONE I am grateful for the opportunity to experience this type of collaboration. I (Rob) really enjoyed working with my co-intern (Giancarlo) on this systematic review project! As a 5th year PhD candidate, I appreciated learning from Giancarlo’s years of experience planning and writing research papers. I also learned a lot about collaborating on R code through GitHub with Giancarlo! I want to thank our project mentors for giving us the opportunity to learn from them and each other.

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