Week 6 – Data Paper Analysis Complete

It took a little longer than expected, but I completed analyzing all 53 Ecological Data Papers. This led to the addition of a few more errors. More commonly, I started noting where errors overlapped each other. There are a few errors that cross categories. I found in some cases the data paper error clearly belonged in one overarching category rather than another, but a few were ambiguous. The next step for the error categorization is to reduce the overlaps in error descriptions as much as possible. Iโ€™ll also spend some time determining some of the most common errors. For example, about 18% of the errors I found were grammatical errors.

I also spent some time refining the data center manager questionnaire. There were a few minor changes based on feedback from Carol Tenopir. I also entered the survey into Qualtrics. We are still waiting for IRB approval, but once that comes through, the survey is ready to deploy. I am looking forward to seeing the results.

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