Putting Things on Web

Time flies. I can not believe it’s already the last week of the summer intern. Everything is good to go except the server setup. As I mentioned in my last post, the goal is to put our package developed this summer online so that users just need a web browser to use it. This involves quite a mount of script (JavaScript, PHP) writing, which reminds me the โ€œgood old daysโ€ when I started to learn web programming.

The final sample workflow I used as the case study is GPP long-term temporal mean calculation. It is a simple workflow which only involves two major modules in the IMIF package: Regrid and LongTermTemporalMean. However, the same principle applies to larger and more complex workflows.

The parameters I exposed to users include the latitude interval, longitude interval in the Regrid module and the temporal_granularity in the LongTermTemporalMean module. On the browser side, I wrote a AJAX based web interface to collect user specified parameters with a form and submit the user input to the server with JavaScript. On the server side, I created a set of PHP files to parse parameters from user input and call the GPP long-term temporal mean calculation workflow stored in Vistrials Database.

After a success execution of the workflow, there will be a result image shown in the web interface. Also, there is a download link pointing to he result NetCDF file. User can both see the visualization of the result and download the result. This is a quite flexible framework. I believe many Vistrials workflows can be put online using similar way.

The server setup is the last thing on my things to do list for this summer intern. Finishing it means I’ve finished all the tasks. As a wrap up, I reorganized all the outputs from this summer intern and wrote a description for each work I’ve done. Here is a list of the achievements I’ve made this summer:

  • Develope the data processing and analysis modules for model data inter comparison package (IMIF pakcage)
  • Integrate the modules I developed with the visualization modules
  • Build a set of sample scientific workflows that conduct data summary and model comparison
  • Integrate IMIF package with DataONE cyber-infrastructure
  • Put the package online so that users can be run it though a web interface

This list concludes my summer intern. I really like this great opportunity because I could work with so many awesome people during this summer, including my dear mentors Bob and Yaxing in ORNL, DataONE post-doc Aritra and other DataONE people (especially Rebecca). I’m looking forward to the all-hands meeting in October.



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