New and Improved: Using the Survey to Improve the Tool

Week 9 August 9, 2012:  Applying what we learned from the user survey to make concrete suggestions for how to improve the content of the DMPTool and continuing to push the marketing campaign New and Improved: The moment has finally arrived!  Its time to take what I have learned from Continue reading New and Improved: Using the Survey to Improve the Tool

Week 8 Report

This week, I have been working on writing a paper which will be submitted to LinkedScience 2012 (LISC2012), co-located with 11th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2012) The title of the paper is “ONEMercury: Towards Automatic Annotation of Environmental Science Metadata.” The content in the paper basically summarizes what I have done Continue reading Week 8 Report

Week 9 – Data Manager Survey is active

After many refinements to both the data repository manager survey and the email request for respondents, I made the survey active and sent email requests this past Saturday, July 21. By Friday morning, we had six responses. Bill Michener and Bob Cook sent out a reminder email later that day, Continue reading Week 9 – Data Manager Survey is active

Executing the Marketing Campaign and Starting to Get Survey Responses!

Week 7 July 27, 2012: Collecting components of the marketing campaign, executing the campaign, starting to see responses from the survey…. Happy Friday Everyone, Thanks again everyone for your comments, suggestions, and patience while I have been working on the flyers and emails for the marketing campaign.  I feel like Continue reading Executing the Marketing Campaign and Starting to Get Survey Responses!