After choosing HEPData, the High Energy Physics Data Repository, as our 10th repository, I spent this week doing all the aspects of data collection related to the repository from populating the HEPData Google Spreadsheet, searching Web of Science for the Data Collection Article and exporting the citing articles to Dropbox, searching Google Scholar for the repository accession number (with no hits), and collecting the full-text and searching for resuse of 150 of the Web of Science citing articles. The tags applied to the WoS citations can be found in the HEPData – WoS Mendeley Group.
I found it interesting that none of the articles that I went through mentioned HEPData or any sort of data accession number, but many stated that data from the data collection articles was being reused. Also of note is that all the data collection articles seemed to come from a small range of physics journals and a lot of the WoS citing articles were also in that same small group of journals.
This should complete the data collection process, although a few minor tweeks may yet be needed with the data. I will be splitting the 10th week of my internship into 2 weeks of half time work during which I plan to complete the poster for ASIS&T and put together a summary of the data and initial results of the complete project for the blog.