June 30, 2011 – ASIS&T poster proposal to-do list

Today was spent in a mad dash putting together the poster proposal for the ASIS&T conference which is due at midnight tomorrow.

Here is our to-do list as copied from the Google Chat with Heather and myself:

Here’s what it needs:
– an abstract
– a shorter intro. Total length should be about 1250 words (maybe without references). Too many now.
12:53 PM – a methods section tailered to what we actually did 🙂
that is, limited in scope to the 3 repos and methods we used
– add a results section, both words and graphs
12:54 PM – maybe tighten up the limitations and future work to get some words back
– add info about remaining repos+analysis to future work section
It looks like a lot, but I think it actually won’t be that bad.
For completeness, here’s what I think we have to do for the analysis:
12:55 PM – ideally, but maybe not if out of time, heather look at low confidence/feedback wanted
– ideally, but maybe not if out of time, plots with error bars
– filter out low confidence from graphs
– do the extrapolation
12:56 PM – use extrapolated results in graphs were appropriate
– make a scatter of (total # citations to data collection articles – number of those citations in the context of data reuse) vs. number of those citations in context of data reuse
12:57 PM – fix up titles etc
– identify and remove/comment on duplicate instances of data reuse due to WoS and GS overlap
-do a better job of blogging all of this analysis stuff than I have been doing
(which is none)
So, for example, blogging graphs in the Word doc, blogging the todo list, etc.
another one
1:00 PM – work Jonathan’s observations about data collection experience into discussion where appropriate

The current proposal is being worked on through Dropbox, but a completed version will be posted to the blog.

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