Week 9: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Final Week

     As I am wrapping up the last week of the internship project with my mentors, I would like to take this opportunity to first thank my mentors, Amber Budden and Heather Soyka of DataONE and Viv Hutchison of U.S. Geological Survey for all of their help and guidance Continue reading Week 9: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Final Weekโ†’

Week 8: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Paper, Poster, and DataONE Users Group Meeting

Continuing the work that I had started with the poster from last week, I was able to complete my first revision of the poster before my weekly meeting with my mentors. Consequently, during this weekโ€™s meeting, I was able to review the project paper, its accompanying abstract, and the poster Continue reading Week 8: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Paper, Poster, and DataONE Users Group Meetingโ†’

Week 7: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Paper/Poster Preparation

     During this week, I focused on completing the full version of the project paper. In particular, since I had already drafted the โ€œIntroductionโ€ and the โ€œBackground/Rationaleโ€ sections of the paper during Week 2 and my mentors and I had discussed and recorded key notes consistently throughout the project, I Continue reading Week 7: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Paper/Poster Preparationโ†’

Week 6: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 3

     Since this week was the last week that my mentors and I had allotted officially for the design and development phase of our evaluation instrument, I focused my work on finishing the current iteration of the evaluation questionnaire/survey, which I had begun developing over the last few week. Continue reading Week 6: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 3โ†’

Week 5: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ AGU Presentation/Meeting Report

Attending the Data Science Credentialing Editorial Board meeting at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) headquarter in Washington, D.C. this week had been a great, unique learning opportunity for me. The main purpose of the meeting was for the Board members to convene in person in order to continue their work Continue reading Week 5: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ AGU Presentation/Meeting Reportโ†’

Week 4: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 2

For this week, I continued to work on refining the questionnaire/survey evaluation tool that I started last week. Specifically, during last week, I was able to construct the outline for the questionnaire/survey as well as compile all the applicable evaluation questions and categorized the questions based on the different, corresponding Continue reading Week 4: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 2โ†’

Week 3: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 1

After completing the literature review phase of my project, for this week, I began the second phase where I started designing and developing the tool for evaluating the effectiveness of training/education resources. In particular, since the tool would need to be useful primarily for evaluating the resources from DataONE, the tool Continue reading Week 3: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Evaluation Tool Design/Development Part 1โ†’

Week 2: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Literature Review Part 2

Continuing from the literature review that I was performing during Week 1, I focused on completing the literature review phase of my project during Week 2. Specifically, during last week, I was able to use Google mainly to find white papers and grey literature that provided information regarding the best practices Continue reading Week 2: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Literature Review Part 2โ†’

Week 1: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Literature Review Part 1

On Friday, May 13th, I had my Face-to-Face Meeting with two of my mentors, Amber Budden and Heather Soyka (my third mentor is Viv Hutchison), to discuss my project, Developing a Survey Instrument for Evaluation of Teaching Materials, as well as to develop the project plan for all three parts of the project. Continue reading Week 1: Evaluate Instrument for Education โ€“ Literature Review Part 1โ†’