Prioritizing DataONE and Partner Tools for Screencasting, And: What is Fair Use? – Screencast Tutorials, Week #3

Screencasting and Copyright Law If we make tutorials for third-party software, we will be showing someone else’s product. Such display of copies of artwork or music or film carries heavy legal implications, so the question becomes: what about showing footage of software? I am definitely not a lawyer, but I Continue reading Prioritizing DataONE and Partner Tools for Screencasting, And: What is Fair Use? – Screencast Tutorials, Week #3

Test 4: Network Visualization with NESCENT GeoPhyloBuilder |

Hi Chad, FYI because it’s cool, and also because I want to note it for future possible use on the network visualization project. -Tanner via Test 4: Network Visualization with NESCENT GeoPhyloBuilder |