Week 5 – Refining the Survey

After discussing the survey with my mentors, Bill and Bob, we decided to make it shorter by asking for less detail on many questions. We agreed that this would both make it easier to administer online and reduce the amount of time it would take to fill out the questionnaire. Once those changes were completed, we sent the questionnaire to experts in survey design, such as Carol Tenopir, to give us feedback. I also started the process of getting IRB approval to administer the survey. The next step is to enter the questionnaire into Qualtrics, so we can deliver it online.

I have also continued to analyze data papers using the data management error categorization scheme. I have over half the available papers analyzed, and I hope to complete the analysis by early next week. At first, I was adding new categories to the hierarchy, but I am starting to note where categories overlap. Currently, there are a large number of categories, and whittling them down somewhat will improve the usefulness of the error categorization.

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