Week 1 – Delving Into Data Stories

Earlier this month I was lucky enough to attend the Community Education and Engagement (CEE) working group meeting in Santa Barbara. There I met face-to-face with my primary mentor, Stacy Rebich Hespanha, as well as the other dedicated and knowledgeable members of the working group. From the many roundtable discussions, Continue reading Week 1 – Delving Into Data Stories

Gathering dataset

This week my focus was on meeting with my mentors, understanding my specific project requirements and gathering my datasets.  My initial work was about creating a week-by-week plan to create a meaningful, generalizable ontology coverage tool for OWL ontologies. I spent some time looking over existing scripts and testing them Continue reading Gathering dataset

May 28 Research Effort

Start 2:44 pm Tasks: Supply response to Dr. Davis re: spring 2013 UA SC Joint Working Group meeting – Block Three “Briefings for subgroup topics: status to date and deliverables from this meeting” http://epad.dataone.org/Sp13-SCUAwg-jtmt E-mail Dr. Davis re: storing working / draft document Plone or Sharepoint? End: 4:44 Total: 2 hours Continue reading May 28 Research Effort

Open Notebook Science – Media Management

As I mentioned in my earlier post on open notebook science, this open lab notebook is inspired by Carl Boettiger’s Open Notebook. Carl’s open notebook migrated from OpenWetWare, which DataONE also experimented with, to WordPress, and ultimately to Jekyll. Carl does some interesting things in which he uses Flickr to Continue reading Open Notebook Science – Media Management