The Case of the Missing Research Protocol

At first it seemed impossible, too amazing to be true, and she assumed she’d misunderstood. With the help of a translator, she was teaching a field course for students in a country whose native language she could not speak. Surely either she or the translator had heard incorrectly. But when Continue reading The Case of the Missing Research Protocol

A Look at Science Communication

This week I enjoyed a second face-to-face meeting with my mentor at a Chapman Conference on communicating climate science in Granby, Colorado. After a particularly scenic Amtrak ride through the snow-capped mountains, I arrived at the train station and continued with Stacy on to the Snow Mountain Ranch. By the Continue reading A Look at Science Communication

Week 2 – Storytelling in Style

This week I’ve been experimenting with writing styles in order to find the right voice for upcoming data stories, so I thought I would provide some insight into the process. In terms of writing, voice is not a one-size-fits-all treatment; each project is a custom job with new considerations. Ideally, Continue reading Week 2 – Storytelling in Style

Week 1 – Delving Into Data Stories

Earlier this month I was lucky enough to attend the Community Education and Engagement (CEE) working group meeting in Santa Barbara. There I met face-to-face with my primary mentor, Stacy Rebich Hespanha, as well as the other dedicated and knowledgeable members of the working group. From the many roundtable discussions, Continue reading Week 1 – Delving Into Data Stories

File Organization System, Meet Collaborator’s File Organization System

A freshwater ecologist who studies natural phytoplankton communities had been working on a project for several years when unforeseen trouble cropped up and the still-incomplete project came to a standstill. Following days and weeks of pondering what to do about the obstacles that were hampering progress, she decided to put Continue reading File Organization System, Meet Collaborator’s File Organization System

Metadata? I thought you were in charge of that.

Ecologists, as a group, seek out adventure, natural wonder, and, let’s face it, sometimes hardship. Rather than being deterred by remote locations and inhospitable environments, they are inspired. Speak to an ecologist, and you’re likely to find out very quickly about the particular location in which they conduct their research Continue reading Metadata? I thought you were in charge of that.