
In an effort to understand the 3 repositories for this research I began to collect some notes. In particular they are based on some questions that I asked as I started which were formulated as a result of the overall goals of this project. Feel free to provide some input. I can break away a conversation on any of these, as a blog discussion, if you would like to develop them further. You can request this as a post here and I will start it on the blog page.<\/p>\n

I am updating these as the weeks progress; this research requires that I go over many of these questions iteratively to iron out the details of this research. Apologies if these notes seem incomplete, they are a result of the notes I take as I use tools, search through DataONE repositories and search the Web for related references\/technologies. They may also be in need of severe editing, I will do this as I go along. Originally, I wrote these in Word where I could attach footnotes with references and the document had references cited throughout, but they did not carry over to this page. References are below.<\/p>\n

These notes are being used to help me<\/p>\n

  1. understand the repositories and how they might be accessed separately to produce similar data<\/li>\n
  2. understand what my options are for accessing the data selected for this research and for generating RDF and external LOD links<\/li>\n
  3. further understand the use-cases that emerge for this project<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    Dryad Metadata Application Profile<\/strong>
    \nEmail about this sent by Jane Greenberg –
    \nIn general it seems to me that the DataONE community is working through the same questions. In fact, to me, more importantly, the specific vocabulary is not as important as whether the selected vocabulary or vocabularies describe the needed data correctly and can be leveraged to search, understand and reuse data.
    \nJane sent me this link about the Metadata Application Profile version 3 with some background that exhibited this same idea. In what I have found, leveraging (e.g. search, view) the RDF data will occur through tools that are able to leverage common terms like DC Terms (data, author, title) or WGS84 for location.
    \nThe Dryad Metadata Application Profile is based on the dublin core metadata initiative abstract model (DCAM) intended to conform to the Dublin Core Singapore Framework. <\/p>\n

    metadata schemes\/ vocabularies:
    \nbibo http:\/\/biblioontology.com\/
    \ndcterms http:\/\/dublincore.org\/documents\/dcmi-terms
    \ndryad http:\/\/datadryad.org\/metadata
    \ndwc http:\/\/rs.tdwg.org\/dwc\/index.htm<\/p>\n

    Much of the dcterms are what I got from the OAI-PMH api but I did not get bibo, dryad or dwc data. DWC has the scientific name so I would have liked that one.<\/p>\n

    The DataONE API implementation does give me access to some of the fields that are missing in the dc results for the OAI-PMH services.<\/p>\n

    Some terms I want to play around with are:
    \ndcterms:spatial\/Spatial Coverage
    \ndcterms:temporal\/Temporal Coverage
    \nSpatial needs to converted though, because the strings do not align with any geo strings.<\/p>\n

    I do not find the dcterms:hasPart on the OAI-PMH dc calls like mentioned. I only find dc:relations then I have to figure it out. In fact, I have two different methods because dcterms:relations is cyclic between publication data and package data.<\/p>\n

    The entire description seems pretty normal in the fact that Dryad plans to use multiple vocabularies and ontologies. This is the only way to really express knowledge in a way that will hold relation with other things.<\/p>\n

    \nHilmar sent me information on this. HIVE, helping interdisciplinary vocabulary engineering, – a model for dynamically integrating multiple controlled vocabularies. <\/p>\n

    HIVE seems like it might play an important role in content negotiation, where requests are made about data and specific vocabularies are requested or entered for searching.<\/p>\n

    ALA Conference<\/strong>
    \nJane Greenberg sent a summary of two conferences she went to. Interesting comment with respect to Library Linked Data:
    \nIn particular people expressing frustration with the lack of applications for adequately displaying linked data, the labor intensive cost of creating LLD, and registry short-comings. <\/p>\n

    These fall in line with what I have found in understanding how to use RDF browsers with different levels of rdfization of Dryad and KNB data.<\/p>\n

    \nemail sent by Jane Greenberg
    \nLaunch of schema.org will support microdata. Normally focsued on microdata, microformats and RDFa.
    \nProvides a collection of schemas, i.e. html tags, that webmasters can use to markup their pages in ways recognized by major search providers.<\/p>\n

    \nEmail sent from Todd Vision.
    \nKasabi makes RDF data available by Talis. Makes data available and can have data hosted as dereferencable resources. SPARQL endpoint. Can access data through API, idea is to augment RDF with data from a dataset. Augmented reality (AR) – view of physical, real-world environment – input augmented with computer-generated sensory input. World goes from a ‘dumbed – down’ computer representation to an augmented ‘real-time’ semantic context with environmental elements, e.g., add AR technology like computer vision or object recognition) to make the experience more real world.<\/p>\n

    For LOD, this would allow for a better context given a certain vocabulary.<\/p>\n

    Author able to access their data as linked open data. … Did they create the links, they are not totally clear but I am assumming so.<\/p>\n

    Library Linked Data Incubator Group<\/strong>
    \nWiki reference sent by Jane Greenberg and Todd Vision.
    \nMission (from wiki) help increase global interoperability of library data on the Web, by bringing together people involved in Semantic Web activities.<\/p>\n

    Mentions that no longer a need to work with library-specific data formats such as MARC. I think this is misleading – vocabularies are a format. Access to data will be dependent on RDFizing which will in turn have to choose RDF types. Granted, there could be multiple mappings or loose structures but nevertheless, these are still formats and types.<\/p>\n

    Metadata to consider: dublin core (creator, date), FRBR (work and manifestations), MARC21 (bibliographic records and authorities, FOAF and ORG (people and organizations)
    \nValue Vocabularies (similar to metadata structures to consider but may not have an RDF definition): LCSH (books), Art and Arch Thesaurus, VIAF (authorities), Geonames (geographical locations)<\/p>\n

    List several use cases. Vocabularies mentioned:<\/p>\n

    SKOS, FOAF, BIBO, DC, DCTerms, FRBR (RDA), CiTO, RDFa, owlt, rdfs, isbd, rdvocab, Dewey.info, Lexvo, Geonames, LCSH, RAMEAU, Linked Data Services der DNB, Instituto Geografico Nacional (spain), EDM, DBpedia, BIO, Music Ontology, Organizational Ontology, OWL, UMBEL, new Civil War vocabulary, MADS in RDF, Book, vocabs from Library of Congress, OAI-ORE, DOAP, PRONOM, CIDOC-CRM, ULAM, TGN, DDC, UDC, Iconclass, DC CDType, DC Accrual Method, DC Frequence, DC Accrual Policy, PRISM, vcard, hcard, geo, W3C Media ontology, SURF ORE, SURF objectmodel, OPM, EXIF, rdaGr2, p20vocab, event ontology, darwin core DWC, Statistical Core SCOVO, Data Cube, Citation Typing Ontology, Facebook opengraph, google snippets, yahoo search monkey<\/p>\n

    most common: SKOS, FOAF, BIBO, DC, DCTerms<\/p>\n

    Oxford Dryad Group<\/strong>
    \nRyan Scherle sent link about David Shotton’s group at Oxford has been working on an RDF mapping for Dryad metadata. Links has a file on the RDF that was created from dryad records. They are using a few vocabularies in addition to Dublin Core, e.g., fabio, frbr, and prism. Seems like less would still be useful. Not sure why nothing is expressed as types. Some of the links are not reachable.
    \nDatacite ontology seems most useful because identifying primary and alternate identifiers. The ontology for this can be found here<\/a>.
    \nLink sent by Hilmar. They discuss intentions to support URI dereferencing and content negotiation for DOI entities but not done yet – from what I can find.
    \nSent by Todd Vision, a discussion effort to consider OAI-PMH and its integration with the semantic web. ?my question: what should access to a file look like, e.g., the download of a file.
    \nThis group had a meeting June 2,3, 2011 discussing an integration with LOD. Similar issues to consider: what vocabulary, what should be returned. Mentions the way libraries manage concepts but RDF allows for expressing real things. Need to be able to describe both concepts and actual data. This sounds like they are referring to the need to capture metadata about in some predefined vocabulary as well as specific metadata from the data.
    \nTwo vocabularies mentioned: MARC, FRBR, no real agreement on vocabulary
    \nNeed to model data and use vocabulary to connect things
    \nNeed to add relationships
    \nPaper on OAI2LOD server that handles:<\/p>\n